By Beatrix Potter.
18 pp. Publications International. Out-of-print (Ages 4 and up)
Rating: 4 Stars
This book is actually all abOut two bad mice.The characters in this book are Lucinda, Jane, Tom Thumb and Hunca Munca. Lucinda is a doll and Jane is a doll too. Tom thumb was one of the mice
and the other was Hunca munca.Tom thumb was married to Hunca Munca. Lucinda and Jane live in a doll's house. When they went out for a walk two bad mice came in. They saw the table with food on it. Tom Thumb cut the ham but the knife bended, so Hunca Munca tried to cut it but of course it was just plastic. Hunca Munca tried to give Tom Thumb some fish but the fish was stuc on the plastic plat so tom thumb smasht it in to pisis with a shuful. Hunca Munca took Lucinda's pilo too the hole in the haus. when Lucinda and Jane came home they saw all the mes that they made. they were shoct. Hunca Munca had babies. She kept the cradle and chair but she gave back the pillow. My favourite part is when Hunca Munca puts the babies in the cradle. I would give this book four stars.
(communicated by Maiasaura peeblesorum; written by Maiasaura peeblesorum and a parent)
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Buy Two bad mice