By Neil Gaiman.
304 pp. Bloomsbury. £6.99. (Ages 9 and up)
Rating: 5 Stars
I really liked this book and it makes me remember The Jungle Book although it is a bit better.
This book is about a boy called Nobody who is raised by ghosts because an evil man Jack killed all of Nobody's family.
But Jack is still out there and still wants to kill Nobody.
My favourite part is when Nobody defeats Jack.
This is one of the best books I've read because it's really exiting and makes you want to know what is going to happen next.
I think the moral of the story is don't want power because it won't lead to good unless you want to lose of course.
If I had to put this book out of one hundred I'd say one hundred out of one hundred no matter what you said so I say you should definitely get this book and if you don't your missing out on a lot of fun and I do know this because I couldn't even put it down it was so good.
I think eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve year olds should read this book because I think those ages would appreciate this book best and because little children might be a bit scared.

Three Ghosts in the Graveyard Puppet Theatre. Artwork inspired by The Graveyard Book. Constructed from cardboard milk box wrapper, construction paper, yarn, ribbon, feather, googly eyes, brass fasteners, and cardpaper. Skeleton template from Ben and Jerry's website http://www.benjerry.com/fun/halloween/assets/images/skeleton.gif. Original design by Bellusaurus sui.