By Lyn Calder.
25 pp. Golden Books. Out-of-print. (Ages 1 and up)
Rating: ? Stars
I like this book. My friend borrowed it. Fifi and Minnie are in this book. It's not scary in it. Fifi likes Minnie Mouse and Minnie Mouse likes Fifi her dog. The dog is going to catch a squirrel and Minnie doesn't let her. The dog ran away and Minnie runs after her. Minnie is crying because Fifi is lost. Minnie's friends Daisy and Penny love Fifi too. They write posters about Fifi. In the end they are happy. Fifi licks Minnie and she looks like she's falling over! Minnie is my favourite.
(communicated by Irritator challengeri; written by a parent)

Untitled. Artwork inspired by Minnie 'n Me - Where's Fifi?. Original design by Irritator challengeri created with help from a parent.
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