The Mortal Instruments Book 1
by Cassandra Clare
544 pp. Margaret K. McElderry Books. $13.99. (Ages 13 and up)
Rating: ? Stars
The story starts with a 15 year old girl named, Clary Fray. She starts out as a perfectly normal teen with a best friend, Simon. Then everything turns upside down. Her mom disappears out of nowhere and she falls in love with a stranger that she saw murder a demon. I have seen this book resistantly in many book stores so I had a feeing I should read this book.
I think the book should have a different beginning. I am starting to be bored with the same start of stories, always starts with a normal person opening their past. Most teen books (ex. Divergent series, Harry potter, The pretties series, etc.) have the same beginning. I think the author should make it more exiting and different in the beginning, so it can attract the readers attention.
I think in this book there is too many poems/quotes like at the start of the book, In the beginning of a part, and at the epilogue. I think it is a god idea to put poems/quotes but not to much. If readers see a lot of quotes/poems they will start to get bored.
Jace is a character that I think stands out. In the shadow hunter world he is the bravest and the best shadow hunter. But inside he has fears, and feeling but he doesn't show it. I like how the author tells the readers that don't judge people by their cover, even if they always act brave or fearless they have feelings but they might not show it.
Overall I think this book is a good book. But It is not suitable for children below ages 12, because I think they would not understand the story the author is trying to make. I also give this book 7/10 stars. I hope in the future the author can make new books but with different beginning so she can get the readers attention and not have to many quotes/poems on the book. i