By George MacDonald.
256 pages. Puffin Classics. £6.99. (Ages 8 and up).
Rating: 5 Stars
This is one of my second favourite books.
It is about an 8 year old princess who once got lost in a hidden staircase and found her great great great great great great great great great great grandmother and found out that old people did not always have to be that ugly. Another time the goblins nearly get her and she makes friends with a miner boy called curdie. Then while curdie is spying on the goblins he gets caught and the princess with the help of her great great great great great great great great great great grandmother helps curdie escape. Lastly the princess ends up luckily escaping marrying a goblin king by being hidden by curdies mother while still sleeping before the goblins could get her.
My favourite part is when she gets lost on the staircase and finds her ten times great gradmothe I think ages 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 should read this book. I give this book 5 out of 5.