By Gillian Cross.
160 pages. Puffin Books. £6.99. (Ages 9 and up).
Rating: 5 Stars
I really like this book its actually one of my favourites.
It's about a brand new computer game octopus Dare and it all starts when Dinah beats the octopus. Then she signs up to go to the other contest and has to buy the brand new computer which cost 2000 pounds but when Dinah gets there she wants the others to come with her but finds out they can't. She goes in herself but when she get's there she finds out that the computer director is actually the Demon headmaster. Meanwhile the others are trying to get to her from the garbage bin, The rest I think you should find out yourself.
My favourite part is when they all fight back. I think ages 8, 9, 10 and 11 should read this book because I Just feel like those ages should. I really think this book deserves 5 out of 5.