by Will Mabbitt
Illustrated by Ross Collins
304 pp. Puffin. £6.99. (Ages 8 and up)
Rating: 5 Stars
This book is about a girl called Mabel Jones and she gets kidnapped by pirates. Then she becomes a pirate too and Mabel Jones has to help the crew find all the X’s so they can get through the map to the treasure, but along the way there are many ways to die.
My favorite character is Mabel Jones because she is a tomboy that is very clever and not scared of anything!
I think this book is special because most pirate books do not have time machines in them but this book does have them.
I like this book because of what happened when I started reading it. At the time I was reading a boring book and picked up this one instead to try it. This book was so good, it made me never want to stop reading it and I finished it in less than a day even though it is almost 300 pages long!
I think you should be 6 to 12 years old to read this book. I will give this book 5 out of 5 stars. I hope this author writes more books with the same illustrator.
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