The Worlds Of Chrestomanci Book 2
By Diana Wynne Jones
336 pp. HarperCollins Children's Books. £6.99. (Ages 10 and up)
Rating: ? Stars
This book caught my eye because I had read another book by the same writer, and this story was supposed to have happened at least twenty five years earlier. I also read this book because the back of the book (the part that tells you what it's about) seemed like the style of story I like (fiction, but not the kind that is impossible to believe).
People who can read proper big fat books should definitely read this book. I will not name any ages because some older people will not like it because it has too much magic, while others may like it because of that. Younger children might not like it because there is not always something exciting going on, while others will think that makes the exciting parts more exciting.
When I was about two thirds of the way through I gasped in surprise when I found that Christopher's uncle, who seemed to be the only good person in our world, turned out to be the worst villain in all the twelve worlds. The book is about a young boy called Christopher Chant, who is first tricked by his uncle's evil ways. Christopher gets a big surprise when he finds out that he is destined to be the next Chrestomanci. However when he has to learn how to be the next Chrestomanci he faces the problem of being against the man that used to be his best friend.
I think Christopher was obviously not completely realistic because no human being has nine lives or can even cast one spell. Unlike that Christopher is realistic in some other ways for example since he had never met any other children's parents he thought that all children's parents were like his and did not just know that they were different than his own.
I think the setting was realistic in some parts of the story but completely unrealistic in most of it because it talked a lot about the twelve worlds.
The book didn't exactly go straight to the point the writer (I think) was trying to make, but wrote about it in a sneaky way. I think that the writer was trying to say that the way people butcher different animals (that we don't even eat) and sell there different parts for a lot of money is evil and should be stopped.